[quote=livinincali][quote=CA renter]
A neutral government represents neither capital or labor; but it can represent one side more strongly if the govt has been taken over. Who do you think is controlling the government? Take a look at the following material and tell me, with a straight face, that labor is controlling the government:
Public sector employees and big capital are both using government to take resources from everybody else. I don’t like it when capital uses government to take resources. I also don’t like it when public sector employee union use government to take resources.
My point being is the public sector employee union relationship with government is exactly the same as capital’s relationship with government. Both are looking to use the power of the government to take resources from everybody else.[/quote]
And the other special interests, like those who get the govt to build a multi-million dollar sea wall to protect their mega-mansions on top of the cliff. Or those who get the govt to build roads, bridges, etc. that they primarily benefit from…while many of the people who pay for it will never use those particular resources in their lifetime. The list goes on and on and on and on. Everybody has to pay for things they don’t like or benefit from. The question is: who is the greatest beneficiary of the govt’s largesse? Based on the outcomes for the various parties over the years, it is VERY clear that capital now controls the govt, not labor.