I disagree, Livinincali. My neighborhood is over 65 years old and thus, we were “here first.” as were the rest of our “brethren” neighborhoods. Existing unburied overhead lines or no, it is what it is and we are frequently/likely “coastal” in location. We should not have to subsidize the Lizardland inhabitant hshld (more often with A/C as well as backyard pool). IT’S NOT OUR PROBLEM that other ratepayers chose to live in lizardland. Many of us ALREADY PAID OUR DUES IN THIS LIFE and wish to retire with utility bills reflective of OUR OWN USE USAGE ONLY, NOT that of subsidizing a family of five who can’t manage to turn off their lights or TV’s they aren’t using.
In other words, the “infrastructure” was always there for ME. Why should I pay for it over again when my infrastructure was paid off in 1962?? What about YOU? Your choices are YOUR problem …. not mine.
So you mean when Chula Vista blew up the 1950’s era fuel oil power plant a couple years ago you shouldn’t have to pay for the replacement power plant to provide you power (you paid for that plant but now it’s gone and has to be replaced because it doesn’t last forever). Maybe you should get no power since you aren’t contributing to the new power plants that need to be built to replace the old power plants that were inefficient and at the end of life. How do they replace the power generated by San Onofre which was a lower cost nuclear power plant?. With more expansive Solar farms and other renewables but you shouldn’t have to pay for that either. LOL.
Well, we’ve had numerous power outages over the years (all 4-12 hours long). Most notably, last week, on the 8-9th (8 hrs) and 10-11th (6 hrs). They happen on the hottest, muggiest days, the above days being 97 and 94 degrees, respectively. The exact same transformer blows up every time (I can hear the crackling popgun sound sitting at my desk) and on the 8th, a power line went down in the same vicinity, sending out a popping explosion. (Fortunately, it missed hitting motorists.) Invariably, all the stoplights go out on the main drag for a mile-plus, causing sirens for the next hour. It’s extremely annoying and I’m finding myself now needing to buy a heavy, battery backup surge protector, even though I already have two surge protectors. I almost lost a portable SATA drive on the 10th (with all my business files and cases on it) but fortunately was able to resurrect it on another computer. I’ve already lost two routers in past years and am currently on my 4th router and 3rd modem in 14 years (due to them getting “fried” in power outages), with only one router actually purchased as an “upgrade” upon receiving a letter from Cox to do so.
How would YOU like to sleep on a sheet on the floor in front of your front door (security screen) in one of the muggiest nights in history, whilst listening to all your neighbor’s generators running? My poor pets!
Yeah, the folks around here ALL KNOW THE DRILL …. very well. Like many (most?) coastal areas, we don’t have buried cable and we’ll all likely be dead before SDG&E gets around to their undergrounding schedule around here.
Why should we pay higher rates so those “super-users” in buried-cable lizardland can be “comfortable” under their central A/C? What exactly is it that I’ll be getting for my money if my utility bill happens to double under a two-tiered rate system (to make it more “fair” for super-users, lol)?