Yeah, I got that e-mail as well. Since my last kid left a year ago, I’ve always been in Tier 1 and my bills have been only $33 to $66 mo for a 4/2/2 SFR. I’m going to get slammed by next spring when there are only two tiers.
So much for being an energy conservationist. I feel the two-tiered system will be very unfair to single-person households with no A/C or pool. We will undoubtedly end up subsidizing energy-hog households and they shouldn’t be my problem …. at all.[/quote]
Actually bigger users have been subsidizing your lower cost for a long time. A lot of energy cost is sunk costs like the infrastructure to deliver it and produce it. The fuel itself is relatively cheap all things considered. Solar with net metering has the same advantage where they win while they’re neighbors pick up the tab. Granted I don’t use a lot of power so I’ll get hit too but I’m not surprised by the change.[/quote]
I disagree, Livinincali. My neighborhood is over 65 years old and thus, we were “here first.” as were the rest of our “brethren” neighborhoods. Existing unburied overhead lines or no, it is what it is and we are frequently/likely “coastal” in location. We should not have to subsidize the Lizardland inhabitant hshld (more often with A/C as well as backyard pool). IT’S NOT OUR PROBLEM that other ratepayers chose to live in lizardland. Many of us ALREADY PAID OUR DUES IN THIS LIFE and wish to retire with utility bills reflective of OUR OWN USE USAGE ONLY, NOT that of subsidizing a family of five who can’t manage to turn off their lights or TV’s they aren’t using.
In other words, the “infrastructure” was always there for ME. Why should I pay for it over again when my infrastructure was paid off in 1962?? What about YOU? Your choices are YOUR problem …. not mine.