Likely, we will have a 15% unemployment rate in CA when all is said and done, if we are not already there. California is our test case for the US as a whole and our new regulatory, tax and spend state. The only thing keeping the federal government propped up is our ability to print and borrow money. This will stop soon, unfortunately.
Liberal policies are predicated on the idea that American businesses are what they once were, but with globalism, we really don’t have much anymore. So, like GM and California, liberals have killed our competitiveness and the nation as a whole is next. In sum, globalism would have turn us into England inevitably (no significant manufacturing base, etc.), but liberalism helped to get us there a whole lot quicker.
Likely, sdgirl, you have never employed anyone in CA or met a payroll . . . So you may have not thought about all the burdens to running a business in the US and CA under Democrat rule.