Like so many have said before, this bill, although far from perfect is a step in the right direction for this country. I am glad it is now signed into law. It is significant, historic legislation on a par with the passing of Medicare for seniors and the disabled…that happened over 40 years ago ! Now we must keep pushing for the next step and that is “single payer” health care paid for by the state or the federal government which should work just like Medicare does. Let’s eliminate the powerful, Insurance Industry Business from health care.
For all of you doom-sayers and angry tea-bagger types, suck it up ! YOU LOST !!
As with hysterical children, there’s no point in trying to reason with you and I don’t know why Obama and the Democratic congress even tried.
It’s hard, but we will drag all you self-centered, scared, hysterical, immature, nay-saying bullies into the 21st century whether you like it or not ! And if you really don’t like it then do as your Messiah, Rush Limbawgh says he’s going to do…LEAVE and don’t let the screen door hit you on the ass on the way out !
Woo hoo…let me gloat some more ! Score a very big one for Obama !