Like others have already said, this woman **clearly** has some psychological issues, and though she should be held responsible, she’s not nearly as responsible as the doctor who implanted the embryos. From what I understand, ocomom’s parents even begged the doctor NOT to impland any more embryos (not sure if it was that particular dr or another one before him), yet he did it anyway.
I am 100% against taking kids away from their biological families without the family’s permission, unless there is severe abuse/neglect. People don’t realize that the family separation is often more traumatizing than the abuse/neglect itself, so we need to re-think the knee-jerk reaction of “have the state take the kids away” at every turn.
That being said, it is obvious that the grandmother is the one taking care of all the kids. She should be given custody of ALL of the kids, and then *she* should be the one to decide on the adoption issue.
The fertility doctor should definitely have his license taken away, and should be forever banned from performing fertility treatments.