Like most Americans I am neither a conservative or a liberal. I believe in a balanced budget and conservation, which makes me conservative…but when it comes to social issues I side with the underdogs which makes me a liberal. But currently you have a whole group of people that get their misinformation from Fox news and having any intellegent conversation with them is impossible. I just keep pointing out that Al Queda is in Pakastan, Iraq didn’t have anything to do with 9/11, and we are fighting wars in this country to protect our oil assets. We don’t give a crap about democracy or we wouldn’t have had the CIA get rid of democratically elected governments and install dictatorships in Chile, Iran, and Guatamala. We did so to protect our assets. Who ever heard of borrowing billions from the Chinese and giving tax cuts during the time of war? The party is over my friends and it is going to be a nasty, bumpy ride and those that have live on credit are going to be hurting the most. Whether you are a conservative or a liberal if you look at just the facts you will see that Bush’s policies have made us economically weaker and unless we get a government that will speak the truth and make the hard choices the end results will be worse. Unfortunately McCain, Clinton, and Obama are not going to tell the truth BECAUSE THEY WOULD NEVER GET ELECTED. They are going to tell you that water flows uphill and we can “grow” ourselves out of this fiscal mess. And once and for all quit calling Bush a conservative, he has spent more money and borrowed more money that any president in the history of the US. He is responsible for four of the largest deficts in history, his father is reponsible for the fifth…that isn’t conservative that is just plain stupidity. Next time someone proclaims that they are conservative ask them about a balanced budget…