lifeizfun, I agree that the east-west commute to dtn SD is no doubt far easier than the north-south commute, IF you want to live in an outlying area. Sunset Cliffs is a far better place to live than Alpine, IMO. No, you can’t get 3 acres there but SC has better things to offer, namely its excellent location and the ability to get to dtn SD without using a fwy. This is just my .02.
As far as it being in the “path of progress,” I’m not so sure about that. If I had to depend on I-8 east of Greenfield Drive to both enter and exit my community, I might not want to drive too much at night. I don’t like the fact that the Border Patrol uses that stretch to set up its “checkpoints” and to apprehend suspected illegal aliens and are often in pursuit of a (frequently speeding) overloaded vehicle. I don’t have to tell you that plenty of these pursuits have ended in disaster, which did not exclude other motorists who just happened to be driving in the wrong place at the wrong time. Also, the lighting isn’t very good on the fwy exits out there. I guess this is okay if you are a “homie” and know EXACTLY where you are going. And this part of I-8 can be very windy at times.
Disclaimer: I have never been a resident of East County but have driven I-8 many times to/from SD County on a road trip (half of those times late at night).