1. Iraq gassed the kurds in 1988 with WMD that *WE* had
given them to use on the Iranians (*).
2. Iraq was an enemy of Al Quaeda
3. Iraq had nothing to do with 911
4. There was no Al-Quaeda in Iraq until after the Bush
5. Bush all but abandoned Afghanistan
6. Bush stopped worrying about bin Laden and concentrated
on the war in Iraq.
7. The war in Iraq was started based on lies and false
acccusations, to the UN, the world and the American
8. WMD in Iraq (gas) was destroyed and gone years before
the war started.
9. In a war, both sides often commit war crimes. That is a
good reason not to start a war unless absolutely
Yes or no?
(*) Bonus question: That makes Iraq’s actions evil, but our
actions not so?
Yes, Saddaam Hussein did give money to support families of
Palestinian suicide bombers, And that is wrong and evil. But
so did citizens, if not governments, of any number of middle
eastern countries that are our “buddies” and whom we are not
attacking or “democratizing”, even though their governments
allowed this type of activity to take place.
And please stop reading your own personal interpretations in
between the lines of what I write, as exemplified by the
“that suggests to me” line of argumentation.