Lets talk about lawsuits. Why do QCOM and BRCM file frivilous lawsuits agains each other all day long and even when there is proof that one party was abusing the judicial system, the judge doesnt do anything? [Disclosure: I am a major QCOM shareholder (at least 1 share)] I know you guys believe that personal injury lawyers should be fined millions and/or banned from courtroom for filing frivilous lawsuits. Then what about these QCOM and BRCM lawyers? Should the companies be banned from the courtroom? No, I didnt think you guys would say that.
BTW, CA has medical-lawsuit cap, so lawsuits are NOT the cause of high medical costs, its more likely the illegals and the earthquake retrofit reqt. UCSD Medical center will be scapped for a new building.
Speaking of lawsuits, most are filed by corporations: (from the hare filled Public Citizen)
The survey of case filings in two states (Arkansas and Mississippi) and two local jurisdictions (Cook County, Ill., and Philadelphia, Pa.) in 2001 found that businesses were 3.3 to 5.8 times more likely to file lawsuits than were individuals. This comes as businesses and politicians are campaigning to limit citizens’ rights to sue over everything from medical malpractice damages to defective products. By way of comparison, the number of American consumers (281 million) outnumbers the number of businesses in America (7 million) by 40 times.
The report also found that businesses and their attorneys were 69 percent more likely than individual tort plaintiffs and their attorneys to be sanctioned by federal judges for filing frivolous claims or defenses.