Let’s also recognize that education at all levels is becoming an increasingly inhospitable place for boys and men. Men make up a smaller and smaller proportion of K-12 teachers, a real tragedy for the increasing number of boys without a father at home who need a male role model.
Schools of Education in our universities are notoriously run by tenured, ultra-liberal, anti-capitalist and pro-big government types. They turn out similarly-minded graduates to indoctrinate our public school students. Traditional male roles as risk-takers, entrepreneurs, defenders of the family, etc., are discouraged. Students are told to sit still and be quiet, which is far easier for girls than boys. Even the drop-off in recess times at schools hurts boys more, as they need to blow off steam by running around during part of each day in order to learn better. Girls sit still and are more articulate at an earlier age than boys, so are often shown preference by teachers.