A blog is nothing without its readers. And this blog is what it is because of the type of selfless reader contributions. All of it, were done anonymously. The Ladera Fraud story would not have been possible if an anonymous mortgage investigator didn’t tip me off. The countless stories such as the RSF Triumvirate would not be possible without the help of industry insider such as Dr. Keeler.
I kept my anonymity over the last 3 years for a very good reason, to protect my family. I wanted no fame, I chose to have no ads. This is ultimately a forum for folks to share.
I’ve always enjoyed hearing from readers, here’s a lovely comment for yours truly from trojan4life,
“If one has been a long-time reader (like me) you can see where his analysis evolved from fledgling RE blogger with limited RE and mortgage/finance savvy to one with enough to be dangerous when offering advice. Ultimately, it is the feeling that you are not willing to withstand the same subjective scrutiny and public ridicule you unwillingly forced other homebuyers to, at times to the point of the threat of litigation.
OCR, your blogged served what appears to be its useful purpose, to help you become better informed and to share what you learn with others. But like many bloggers, your LACK OF CREDIBILITY, ETHICS and willingness to disclose any info on your purchase makes you a loudmouth in a bully’s pulpit.
I’m embarrassed by your stance on this and quite frankly think it’s a shame. You once had a good blog. Ding-dong, BMIT is dead!”
That seals the deal folks. BMIT IS OFFICIALLY DEAD.