Ladies and Gentlemen, this isn’t a 2 years or 4 years thing.
This is a 20 years thing.
The path California is on, is the path California will walk for the next 20 years.
The bonds, spending plans, these are programs that will be in place for years. It’ll be 5-10 years before anybody starts to even question if it is or isn’t working. The schools have $14 Billion in new capital spending they’re doing (on top of the bonds from the last two elections). They’ll have shiney new schools, ipads in the schools.
The path that is clearly chosen is going to take 5-10 years before the gloss coat starts to show wear.
The only chance it isn’t a 20 year thing is if over the next two years the CA Government goes nuts with taxes. Nuts to the point that even the untaxed start ask wtf?