[quote=LAAFTERHOURS]I assume Del Sur is independent of 4s Ranch on the MR bonds. Any idea on the status of the bonds in Del Sur, Santaluz, SEH or the newer parts of La Costa?[/quote]
This is how I do it:
1. take any house in the target neighborhood and get the parcel number (address might work, but I found parcel# to be more reliable).
2. Look it up on the tax collector’s website (https://www.sdctreastax.com/ebpp3/)
3. Find MR symbol(s) in the property tax roll and google it (or bing it if you are affiliated with MS). You may or may not find statements and reports.
It’s amazing what kind of stuff people put online and allow indexing. I once stumbled upon the county voters records for the past few years.
It includes the total amount, the number of parcels affected and who to call for more details. It does not tell you the maturity date.
To the OP – you can get your payoff statement from the administrator for $100. The fee applies towards the payment if you decide to pay off your MR within 30 days. If you wait longer than 30 days you forfeit your $100.