[quote=La Jolla Renter]What about the biggest Obama care lie of all…
“I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.”
I have seen nothing but increases of my individual plan.[/quote]Me too, LJ Renter. From 2014 to 2015, my “Obamacare (platinum) plan” increased by $122 mo and from 2015 to 2016, that same plan increased again by $170 mo. Since I have the only PPO offered in the SD region, I had to drop down to the Gold level for 2016 and my premium is currently $56 less per mo than last years premium (which was a platinum plan). I predict 20%+ rate hikes at the end of this year, which will undoubtedly cause me to drop down to the “Silver 73” plan if I stayed on Obamacare (I’m looking for a cost-effective way to get off of it at the end of this year). Currently my “subsidy” pays just ~37% of my now “heavily-inflated” monthly premium (now 231% of what it was BEFORE the ACA and ONLY because I dropped down to Gold). Also, in 2015, I lost 3 (out of 8) of the longtime providers I had been using intermittently for over ten years. Two of them finally “retired” and closed up shop, mainly out of sheer disgust with the low, low reimbursements post-ACA (acc to letters they sent their patients – me incl) and one of them left my plan, which, again, is the ONLY AVAILABLE (non-bronze) PPO marketed to individuals residing in SD County.
Due to the exit of SIX major PPO carriers from the state at the end of 2013 (who didn’t want to have anything to do with Covered CA … and rightly so), we now have no more choice in plans (but are told our plans must be “ACA compliant” to comply with the individual mandate). Obamacare provider reimbursements are now 1/2 to 1/4 of what they were prior to the ACA and Covered CA and county Medi-Cal offices as well as the IRS now “own” our a$$es if we are accepting any subsidy at all to assist with these (now exorbitant) premiums. These quasi-gubment and gubment entities can, will and very often DO bump us from our plans without telling us whilst simultaneously collecting our premiums (even more than once per year). These entities have the “authority” to decide unilaterally that we’re going on Medi-Cal (cuz they don’t “believe” the income we’re reporting and don’t “believe” the numbers on our tax returns), thereby causing us to have to “prove” our incomes to human county social workers (as if we’re on “public aid”) to have our Covered CA (CC) accounts “reinstated” (this takes many MONTHS). CC and Medi-Cal also BOTH fvck with the income numbers we reported to CC and change them to whatever they think they “should be” without informing us and we don’t find out until days, weeks, or months after it is done (assuming we know to log into CC and traverse to the proper screen on their nonsensical, clunky website to see exactly what they did). CC can’t even get a coverage “start date” correct. As such, they issued hundreds of thousands of 1095A forms for 2015 which were inaccurate and will screw up the taxpayer with the IRS if they elect to report the actual amount of subsidy they received (instead of the erroneously-reported amount by CC).
CC is supremely incompetent in every way, shape and form and the situation is so hopeless that it cannot possibly be fixed, people. As such, they should be summarily shut down and the sooner, the better. It’s a very sad “comedy of errors” which adversely affects the lives of so many undeserving citizens. I could go on and ON and ON here but I’ll just end this rant by adding that “obamacare” doesn’t exactly “work” on the “street-level” as its original proponents told us (or even envisioned that it would) and is the biggest dysfunctional mess I’ve ever seen in my life …. and this is coming from a former longtime “bureaucrat.” :=0