[quote=La Jolla Renter]The 2 biggest issues I believed Obama would fix was healthcare and the black community (specifically employment, race relations, and education) once an for all.
I don’t know how the average family of four is doing with their promised $2,500 a year healthcare savings, but my personal ppo has gone from $313 to $1089 under Obama care.
Obama failed the black community by every measure I can see unless I put on my Al Sharpton CNN glasses. When the media love affair wears off, history will figure this one out.[/quote]
Exactly right LJR.
We all thought race relations would get better under Obama, and instead they got worse. While it is hard to measure such an ambiguous concept of “race relations”, and thus compare them under one administration vs. another, I did see recently how black males’ support of Trump jumped from 11% to 22%. Sorry, I can’t remember the source. But I wonder if it is connected to the remarkable drop in unemployment rates under Trump. A notable feature of this drop has been the observation that it has dropped the most for the historically least educated, poorest, and minority segments of society.
Back when unemployment rates were high, employers could be choosy and demand perfection among their applicants. Now, with the ranks of the unemployed shrinking, they must take some risks, hire those they think they can train, and BTW, pay them more in order to attract them. All this is ideal for minorities, those with less education, those with a troubled past, etc.
The high GDP growth rate–low unemployment environment that Trump has created will do more to help minorities than any number of government-sponsored “training courses” or useless college majors, or bigger welfare payments to help this segment of society.
Whatever you may think of Trump personally, he is accomplishing objectives that liberals claimed to want. The irony is delicious.