[quote=La Jolla Renter]For me, I would do a condo or townhouse to get a top school for my kid and or a short commute. And would live in a less safe neighborhood to attend the best schools. If that scenario existed.
There are some 10’s in San Diego county. Or at least by this scale.
If you have the home improvement skills, you could get a fixer and put some of your cash toward repairs. Done right, you could gain some sweat equity out of the gate.[/quote]Thanks for posting that (SD County) chart, LJR. I glanced over it quickly and I just have one question for you, here. Can a condo (big enough for a family of 4 – one an infant) be purchased for =<$400K in those attendance areas in SD County which have public schools rated a "10"? I noticed a couple of "10" elementary schools in C-Bad, one in SR and 8 in Poway Unified (the cheapest? areas on the list with "10" schools). Also one in Otay Ranch, Chula Vista.
This is all assuming the OP does NOT want a lot big enough for a toolshed/outbuilding and will decide to pay HOA dues and possibly MR to "settle" for a condo. The OP also stated that they needed a PITI of no more than $1200 month and that didn't include HOA dues.
In sum, is buying a home in a "10" school attendance area actually feasible for these low to moderate income parents?