Home › Forums › Financial Markets/Economics › RE Investing: LLC, C, or Self › L-I-A-B-I-L-I-T-Y
L-I-A-B-I-L-I-T-Y LLC=Limited Liability
Any income/losses from an LLC is generally “pass through” there is no double taxation.
Talk to a tax advisor & attorney.
You cannot use primary res financing or capital gain exclusion on rental properties whether it’s in LLC or not in LLC.
You need to ensure that the corporate veil cannot be pierced.
Yes you will need to qualify for loans and need insurance.
LLC is a legal entity that owns the property(ies)
With a lawsuit, only what is in the LLC is at risk. Without an LLC, you and everything that you own is potentially at risk.
You would normally buy property in your name, qualify for the loan, and then deed the property into the LLC.