Nevertheless, I suppose Allan could be right and folks could “feel” disempowered and justified in protest. Seems though that there needs to be a large basis in truth before there is enough widespread support to reach a tipping point.
A few folks trying to get out of having to repay their student loans ain’t gonna do it.[/quote]
KSM: I wasn’t endorsing OWS (or the Tea Party), but rather was applauding the sight of Americans getting off their collective asses and getting involved. For far too long, we’ve ceded OUR country to not only the “elites”, but to a venal and corrupt cadre of politicians and technocrats (both parties) who assured that they “knew” what was/is best for us and this country. They were obviously wrong and now people are fed up and pissed off and taking to the streets. Good for them.
As far as OWS goes: I agree with your thoughts as far as a lack of coherent message. Unlike the protests over Vietnam and/or the civil rights marches, this one hasn’t really come together. But, in some ways, that’s a good thing. I think that we, as a country, have grown too complacent and apathetic and its about damn time we get out there and start yelling. Who knows? Maybe it leads to an actual discussion about actual issues!