How much does it impact the pricing? I am not too concerned about the health hazard for myself, but I guess it will impact the resell pricing.
ultimately, everything can be brokendown into price.
with Toll and Serenity prices for the same sized homes at $950k, adding $200k for upgrades in and out. This sized home with the type of upgrades you see should be $1.15 million.
You are thinking $800k lowball offer. So bottom line is the high voltage power lines translate to $350k. If you mortgage that at 4.5%, that works out to $1800 per month.
So just ask yourself this question. Let’s say you have the perfect house you want. Someone comes to you and say, we need to build this huge high voltage power line right in front of your door but we’ll pay you $1800 per month for the next 30 years.