From what I understand about there is a “Certificate of Live Birth” and a “Birth certifcate”
Say you are born in a shack somewhere in Hawaii without an attending physican to sign a “Birth Certificate”. In this case you would go to the state and register the birth and receive a COLB. In other words, the state takes your word for it that the birth was in the state. If you were born in a hospital they would issue the “Birth Certificate” signed by the attending physican.
What Hawaii is calling is a birth certificate is actually a COLB. Its not proof he was born there. Its proof that his birth was registered there and the state takes the person registering the birth at their word.
His mother supposely gave birth in Kenya and then immediately flew to Hawaii to register the birth.
Please realize that there is no record of the hospital he was born in to go along with an actual birth there.
Why doesn’t he just release it?? Can you think of a reason???
Also who cares if he is Muslim or Hindu or Buddist or whatever?
I hope your right about McCain winning. I was afraid it was over until it just hit me that Americans are not stupid enough to elect a Racist Maxist over a true American War Hero.
Partypup, this video is an hour long and is by Jesse Peterson who incidently grew up in Montgomery Alabama about the same time I did. It is a lecture he gave at Texas AM University. I think that you would enjoy it.