Kicksavedave: I agree, and I’m about as conservative as they come. There is definitely a renewed sense of hope and I think Obama is going to enjoy a world-wide “honeymoon” and solely because he’s not Dubya. However, that honeymoon is going to pass and then the real work begins.
He is inheriting problems that began well before Dubya took office and by all accounts, this trillion dollar renewal program has some major problems. Much of the money isn’t properly targeted and won’t arrive in time, if at all. There is a lot of pork in there, which is to be expected, but that runs contrary to the accountability and transparency that Obama referenced in his speech.
If he governs according to his promise, it will be one thing, but if he hews to the party line and gives this country business as usual, he’s doomed. These problems facing us are massive and will demand the right answers, not just throwing money willy-nilly and calling it good.
I think Casca hit it right on the head when he used the term “Carter Redux”. All the ingredients are there for that fiasco to repeat itself.