[quote=KIBU]Today’s shooting: 2 firefighters dead + 1 more ir”responsible” gun user killed.
http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/24/us/new-york-firefighters-shooting/index.html?hpt=hp_t2.%5B/quote%5D The shooter was a felon. He was not legally able to own a gun (used ‘was’ because he no longer is). Any change in gun laws would have done absolutely nothing. In many ways, this shooting shows what is wrong with assuming that gun laws will prevent it. His gun ownership was already illegal and against existing laws. Felons, particularly those currently on probation, can NOT own any firearm.
The shooter was not afraid of dying to pull off his shooting. That means that even a penalty of death for possessing a firearm would not have stopped him. How much more strict a ‘gun law’ can you make than the death penalty?