[quote=KIBU]Just to make sure: “Violent Crime is at 40 year low” because “Number of guns is much higher than 40 years ago” ?
There are many ways to death and one can choose to talk about ALL of them. But we are focusing on the way to death via mass killings on our children at schools by guns, that should be and must be prevented.
On other matter, suicide deaths are deaths that should be and could be preventable as well. Perhaps by decreasing accessibility to the most efficient deadly weapon, the gun, many lives could be spared, no matter whose hands killed.
I don’t know about you but for me, the need for wearing a life jacket to feel safe and be safe in America means that a piece of my life and freedom has been taken away. Pro-gun people should pay attention to these when they want to encourage people to have guns at home or walk with guns or saving gun at work (school) to be safe. We feel if we have to have guns, life jackets, armor car, go through detectors…..those actually limit our freedom and also our rights to have a normal life away from a war like zone in America. And all that cost must be paid for the liberty of the gun owners.[/quote]
My point was that there is no causation between two. Life jacket/preserver recommendation was for swimming only since that is bigger problem than weapons for 14/under.
In order to reduce the random shootings there would have to be dramatic changes that majority of public just doesn’t want to accept such as massive taxes on weapons, artillery, guns safe reqts, big liability insurance, random inspections, etc. Minimum mandatory prison sentences for drug possession but none for illegal weapons possession for ex-cons,etc? BTW, even Utah has annual auto safety inspections.
It’s freedom man! The man has gutted the fourth amendment and has a million drones but these collectors don’t care, they gonna chase the boogeyman and stop the tyranny.