[quote=kewp]I’m actually cheering on a recession/depression as I think drastic cut in consumption on a global scale is the only thing that will save us from total environmental catastrophe. [/quote]
Nothing will save us from environmental catastrophe, if that’s what the planet has planned for us. I’m all for reducing harmful emissions to zero, but unfortunately, A) that won’t happen anytime soon without a near collapse of civilization (in which case many Piggs would likely be dead), and B) even if it did happen, it won’t stop the planet from going through its cycles. At some point, we WILL go extinct, unless we first get a substantial number of people off this rock.
I think most people are a little stressed about the future. But other than the Mad Max scenario, I like to think there’s also a possibility that this economic upheaval will eventually be seen as the point of a profound change for the better. An efficient, intelligently-run government that doesn’t stick its nose where it doesn’t belong, and doesn’t bow to corporate interests. A guy can dream.
However, even if that happens, there can be no sense of safety until the end of widespread Islamic extremism. How (or if) that will happen is anyone’s guess. Maybe the start will be when the need for oil dries up, and certain middle eastern countries who’s cultures never evolved (but which are artificially propped up by money) will go back to the stone age where they belong, and leave the rest of us in peace.
That was way too profound for 9am. All I really meant to say was, “legalize it.”