[quote=kev374]yeah, definitely hard to believe. She says she was also scammed once in her early 20s by her ex BF for $30k which she paid off working 3 jobs. Now entwined in a scam again ? I don’t think she is a bad character actually – quite generous, caring etc. but I definitely think she can’t stand up to pressure from her mom.
Her bro is also a delinquent type – no job, education or anything but drives a Mercedes. Where does he get the money, nobody in the extended family knows anything which is too suspicious to me. He may be selling drugs…who the heck knows? The bro also hs shown violent behavior by punching the walls in the mom’s home (who the F does that?) and has called the mom and my ex the B word etc. Horrible guy… oh and btw he got some girl in a club pregnant, had a grand old baby shower and then when the baby was born the DNA test revealed it wasn’t even his LOL!
Man, this is material for Jerry Springer or what…geez! I tried not to hold all this crap against my ex GF as I felt it wasn’t fair to judge her for the behavior of her mom/bro but when I thought of it she is still influenced by them…and that is what was scary and made me leave.[/quote]
My husband’s father is an absolute piece of dirt, but my DH won’t associate with him. IMO, that makes it okay, maybe even better than okay, because my DH recognizes bad character and chooses to disassociate with those people. IOW, don’t hold the person’s family against her/him, but DO pay attention to whether or not this person is defending the bad behavior or chooses to distance herself from it.
OTOH, money IS important in a marriage, no matter what the “love conquers all” people claim. I think people should choose someone very much like themselves when it comes to finance and marriage. It’s not a good idea to have a conservative saver marry a reckless spendthrift, IMO, especially if money/financial security is important to the saver.