[quote=kev374]Thanks for all the input on this. ATL is specifically a good option for me because:
– Extremely good wages (same or higher than LA/OC) and opportunities in my area, ATL is the largest tech hub in the Southeast
– Many world class tracks nearby for me to ride
– I am huge into hiking/camping so there is good hiking in the Smokey mountains (does not hold a candle to the Sierra Nevadas but it’s something and much better than anything in TX)
– SCUBA is my other interest – very close to Miami/Keys with cheap flights for weekend trips or I could even drive to FL, there is good wreck diving from Tallahassee, Bahamas is a weekend possibility too! Heaven!
– Ridiculously lower cost of living compared to LA
– 9th largest MSA in the US offering a multi-cultural experience
– Busiest airport in the world offers more connections to the rest of the world than LA
– Saving craploads and sh!tloads of money so I could not only buy a PALACE (by LA standards) I could probably afford a NICE car as well 🙂 instead of living like a pauper in LA.. making 6 figures and down and out LOL! Ok..exaggerating a bit but still trying to make a point :D[/quote]
kev374- Sounds like we are going down the same paths in life, your just a couple of decades behind -Good luck to you. If you are ever in Texas look me up and we can go for a ride