[quote=kev374]My friends are history… I blocked them from my FB. Good riddance![/quote]
Sounds a bit overly-dramatic and unreasonable to me. You are forcing people into a “social war” that they had no hand in. They likely have zero desire to be a part of your breakup or romantic drama. If they like your previous girlfriend and enjoy her company, why should that exclude them from having a friendship with you, too? Who cares if they are still friends? As long as they’re not conspiring against you (and I doubt that they are), just let everyone be.
Your previous girlfriend didn’t do anything to harm you — no cheating, no abuse, etc. If she had, then I would agree that they shouldn’t continue having a relationship with her, especially if they are intentionally feeding her information, but that doesn’t seem to be the case here.
If you were really over her, you wouldn’t care about what she thinks or what she knows about your current life.