[quote=kev374]Is.it a surprise that a good majority of women here in southern California are gold diggers? They say that the quickest way for a woman to move up the socio-economic ladder is not to work hard but rather to marry up! So why bust your behind when you could just marry some clueless guy then divorce him and get a nice settlement and alimony and retire early under his dime ;)[/quote]
Uhhh, kev?? In CA, you have to be married for ten years to be eligible for any alimony at all. That’s a l-o-o-o-ng time to “put up with” somebody that you just married for money. And “spousal support” (as alimony is called in CA) is set according to the wages of each party. If a low-earner or non-earner spouse is earning low or not at all and their judge thinks they should be making more in accordance with their education and experience, then the court could EASILY impute them a salary that they don’t presently have (for support calculation purposes). If the payor ever comes back to court for a reduction in CS or termination of SS because they lost their job through no fault of their own, it will likely be granted. In addition, 90% of court orders terminate spousal support at half the length of the marriage, unless the payee is completely or almost completely disabled (as decided by the SSA). The same is true of child support calculations. The fact that minor kids are in the mix doesn’t matter. Each parent in CA is expected to contribute support to their children in accordance with their income level.
You can’t just marry someone with assets before they met you and lay claim to those assets … at least not in CA.
Nor can a spouse lay claim to an inheritance of their spouse which took place during the marriage … as long as the heir does NOT commingle the funds (deposit any of it in joint accounts). This is true in almost all states.
Not to mention that anyone with assets who is thinking or marrying or remarrying will get a prenuptial agreement at least 3 months prior to the wedding (6 months is better), if they have any brains at all.
An attempt at “gold-digging” these days isn’t what it appears to be. The ones successful at this have to have clueless people with assets willing to be their victims. And there really aren’t too many of these people around.
Now, being the willing “victim” of a cougar is a victimless crime. To each his/her own …. :=]