[quote=kev374]I beg to differ… I think speculation is rampant in this market and investors/speculators can exit the market and dump their assets with the same intensity as what happened in 07-08.
Many of these properties are linked to returns on funds and if there is a economic downturn and the assets are not performing it will be time to liquidate/shutdown as people pull money out of the funds.
I see a lot of people in the media say it’s not like the last time just because NINJA loans are absent.. that is hogwash. Bubbles can be caused in a variety of ways..the common denominator being speculative greed. It does not matter if it’s the investor leveraging credit or the common man doing it by taking NINJA loans.[/quote]
Totally agree investors are chasing returns and when that starts to turn there will be a run by most, not all, but enough to cause a crash. Just like in the last bubble burst, not everyone lost there place though at times it seemed like it.