…[Keckley] predicted Medicare will eventually evolve into a managed care model, with payments made to a team of caregivers with incentives attached to keep patients well.
He also predicted that medical care in general will become more “holistic,” incorporating aspects of acupuncture, yoga, and wellness as a way to keep people healthy for longer into their senior years…
Not sure about the “teams” unless they include holistic health practitioners (in place of pill-pushing MDs), but I feel it is often “too late” to try to keep patients 75+ years old “well” when many have been drinking, smoking, drugging, dipping, sunning, etc and binging on fast food for the bulk of their lives. By then, their “holistic” treatment … and holistic mindset … should have begun 30-40 years prior.
Conditions arising from former abuse of one’s body can’t easily be fixed well after the fact. A large portion of the over 50 crowd has the health issues they do solely because of their chosen lifestyles and even “settling” throughout their lives for unhealthy working environments.