[quote=kcal09]Despite the clear abuse of Constitutional powers
(such as using the IRS as a weapon against conservatives) and the trashing of Israel and ultimately allowing Iran to get the bomb), why would educated Jews continue to support Obama and his party?[/quote]
Maybe because we’re Americans first and don’t want to support a party which believes Moses is a Founding Father, which places states’ rights and sectionalism ahead of slavery as a cause of the Civil War; claimed that Joseph McCarthy’s blacklists of Americans were justified because communists had infiltrated the government during the Cold War; thinks that dragons still exist and are the dinosaurs of the past. [the past two weeks news on the Texas School Board “Republican standards” and a interesting critique blog of a science museum).
Maybe you know very little about Jewish history in the US? The history of discrimination/anti-semitism in the 20th century is well documented and there’s some natural sympathy for the party which pushed for equal rights more than the other party.