Kam – “my numbers on Yokohama are “off”? Tell me how so. You are beginning to have a credibility problem Poway_Seller if you didn’t have one already.”
I’m not too concerned about a credibility problem on an online blog. Plus, on this specific topic I think I know what I am talking about. SDlookup, Realist, etc are all ‘wrong’ – since the last price they show is $770k, which was the recorded price, however the buying agent kicked back her commission to the buyer, so the selling price was actually $790k, but through escrow it was marked down to $770k and the buyer got $20k credit. 3 DOM, well – the other listing expired, so this one is new, that is why it shows 3 DOM. No issue anyhow, it will likely turn to pending and to sold within 5 weeks (for above $800). anyone want to place a wager on the exact amount?
Betting on Fall – Yokohama not willing to mark down? In case you hadn’t noticed, it is the ‘cheapest’ home per square foot in that size. It was already marked down from $899 (and is just above 2003 price). The latest price move on Yokohama was actually UP if you noticed – maybe it worked? (the old psychology trick I mentioned in another topic)
macmichael – nope, no green postcard. I told you before that last open house there was a table specifically dedicated to promoting the husband’s contractor business (during the open house)