What is the site for if you’re not going to talk about housing and possible future scenarios? We could sit around and talk about the jock strap that you wear too tight, but I’ll keep it focused on the what ifs of the housing market. Right or wrong. You can look at as much data as you want and make as many assumptions or educated guesses as you want based on the data you decide to review (good or bad). However, like anything in life, it’s unpredictable in many ways and your argument will be just as good as anyone’s until after the fact and history has been written.
Poking holes in my assertions was and is the exact point of this blog subject. It’s to perpetuate good dialog between different views. It’s an opportunity for individuals with different research skills to present their findings and debate this ongoing decline in Home Values. It’s an opportunity to try and formulate and make some sense about how this all started and when it will or how it will all end up. It’s to educate ourselves on the mater of fact of the subject. And unlike you, not everyone that is logged in and on today, was logged in and on last week, last month, last year or the three years leading up to this housing collapse. With new individuals adding to this site, it leave the door open for new discussions on old topics with the possibility of improved expertise, especially given the fact that there are more people without jobs today then a month ago and therefore more have more time to write about subjects like this. There might even be a possibility for authors of the other blogs with a high level of economic expertise to chime in.
San Diego is obviously not an economic island, nor is California nor the USA. But it’s all relative and the perpetuation of this subject matter. What happens locally does have impacts on things regionally, nationally and internationally. If you end discussion because of you think you know it all and have all the answers by reading a couple of periodicals, economic journals, or other blog sites, then sign off and stop reading into blogs on this site.