justme: The US bombing campaign over Europe lasted just over three years (1942 – 1945). The average American four engined bomber (let’s use the B-17 Flying Fortress) carried approx 6,000lbs of bombs (standard 500lb bombs). The average mission involved approx 100 – 200 bombers on AVERAGE, meaning that while some missions mounted as many as 1,000 bombers, the average was far lower.
You are arguing that the USAAC/USAAF dropped 1.4 BILLION tons of bombs on Europe during that period? I would argue that the Wikipedia statistic should have read MILLIONS and not BILLIONS. Especially given that modern bombers, such as the B-52 Stratofortress, carry as much as 84 TONS of bombs per plane.
So, this factor of 2,700x is suspect, and I would imagine if you did a little checking you would find the same thing.
However, you seem to seize any small item and treat it as revealed truth, all the while holding yourself above the fray and refusing to deign in any substantive argument regarding the real facts.
As a former soldier, I find your comments regarding my ability to torture you repugnant and contemptible, as I found your willingness to denigrate Ex-SD’s service in Vietnam. My guess is that you never served your country and probably feel that all vets are somehow stupid for supporting America and being willing to lay down our lives for something we believe in. I have buried far too many of my friends to listen to that kind of unforgivable crap. I would ask for an apology, but with the sort of coward you clearly are, I know one isn’t forthcoming.