Justme: Just what is your major malfunction? Even if your version of facts are more valid, your entire position is rendered worthless by your childish name calling that degenerates not only you, put your entire liberal party at risk. I’ve made this point many times, that liberals are extremely selfish with respect to political process. Why do you let the most hated women in America and the most junior Senator with terrible baggage run for top ticket? If these two bozos(with all due respect) cared about their party they would have stepped aside and let a more moderate person such as Webb, Montana Governor, Kansas Governor run and they would probably win easily. Now look at my party, we tow the line, rarely make stupid comments that will hurt the party.
Some friendly advice: take the high road so Rove, etc can’t touch you. Rove and his buddies are watching, you will never work in this town again with posts like that. Never join any group that is even remotely affiliated with the dems or peace, justice, wacky tree huggers, etc. Most people in hiring positions are rebs and they can easily find out your game. Spare me the BS about a free country, do you want to feed your family or spout out about ABC that you cant do jack about. Follow Machiavelli and Sun Tzu.