Just say no!
In this new cap and trade bill you have to have your house inspected before you can sell it?
It is written into the cap and trade bill. Basically, if you want to go sell your house you have to have a government inspector come in a “approve” your house otherwise you will have to make upgrades to it before you can put it on the market!
anybody think this is a good idea in the middle of this bad housing market?
Romoen wrote:
Misguided Legislation
As a nation we need clean, cheap energy — not clean, expensive energy. I am a Democrat and think Congress is overplaying its hand. I fear cap and trade legislation will double our cost of energy over the years — even faster for gasoline. Plus, unintended consequences will abound. The bill is too complicated, with too many moving parts. Why? There are 880 lobbyists registered to lobby on climate change and their fingerprints are all over the bill. Cap and trade will enrich a new class of financial speculator at a cost of billions of dollars to American consumers. It will also drive-out manufacturing of every description. Even non-polluting Microsoft says it will move jobs overseas because cap and trade “makes U.S. jobs more expensive.” Cap and trade is worse than a tax because only 15% of the proceeds from auctioned permits go into our national treasury. And the kicker? We’ll never even know if cap and trade ever worked. If instead the United States had a national mandate to replace coal generation plants with natural gas and nuclear energy, plus if we replaced our commuter cars with battery-powered electric cars, we would drastically reduce our dependence on foreign oil and reduce CO2 emissions faster and beyond the proposed cap and trade targets. — Robert Moen, http://www.energyplanusa.com