And I’m not trying to change anyone’s mind, either. Just trying to get them to see things from a perspective that they might not even know exists. I know I’m not alone in my beliefs, as most SAHPs would agree to a large extent with what I’m saying here. We’re just not allowed to say it because it would be totally politically incorrect. We’re supposed to pretend that we love giving up everything else in our lives — everything that defined us prior to marriage and kids — and be absolutely joyful about serving others. So happy and joyful and grateful to serve others (for room and board — a shared room, but a space to sleep, nonetheless) that we would never even dream of claiming that this work would have any value, either financially (within or outside of our own families), or to society.
This thread is proof that we, as women, have a LONG way to go before there is ever any kind of REAL equality (not just “equality” based on how well we do “men’s work”).