just like the various antidepressants, all religions are not created equal, some are more powerful and therefore with more side effects.
Monotheistic and intolerant religions are far more authoritarian in their doctrine and structure, people find it easier to just lean on these all powerful creations, at the same time, these religions can therefore inspire much stronger desire to prophecize and if met with resistance, the use of force to impose their deity on as many as possible.
Polytheistic religions are by nature more tolerant and thus more democratic. Theme of self reliance on meditative practices is stronger compared to leaning on power of a creator being. The desire to prophecize is thus less urgent nor the need to use force to impose belief.
Is it any surprise that the world is now mostly divided between two of the strongest monotheistic religions that are also the least tolerant. Is it also surprising that these two religions would continue to inspire hate and violence in their names?