Just a little background. I just checked and it was 1986, NOT 1988 that Encinitas became incorporated, wrapping three other uninc communities in with it. After this happened, I would assume that when the residents in Encinitas, as well as those residing in its “annexed in” adjacent communities officially got “on the map” they recieved a lot more services together than individually, i.e. street lights, sidewalks, storm drains, clout to bargain for flood control, consolidated fire district, etc. After this happened, the “City of Encinitas” allowed tract builders to come into the “proper” AND the “annexations” to build and thus shore up their tax base. It was at that time when the new tracts came in that the property values there began to climb.
I worked for a large organization in the early 80’s and had dtn SD co-workers who commuted from Encinitas, Cardiff, Leucadia and Olivenhain. One was a horsewoman who lived on a ranch. I remember her going out on disability for a few months and we all signed a card and sent it to her. I’m almost positive she had a Vista P.O. box at that time. I don’t think there was mail delivery in Encinitas east of the 5 until it became incorporated (or thereabouts). Perhaps there is another Pigg who lived there at the time and can help in this regard.
I just remember Cardiff and Leucadia having small trailer parks on and also across the st from the beach and stopping for split pea soup somewhere on the road around there. IIRC, there was a very small Safeway in Cardiff (later Vons). The rest were little mom/pop markets along that whole stretch of Pac Hwy. I’ve got a 1975 (or ’77) SD County Thomas Guide somewhere (quite thin) . . . just have to locate it . . . lol.