It simply comes down to values. Who shares your values? Do predominately ice or predominately sun people share your values.
I and any other rational person do not care a wit about skin color or (white collar vs. blue collar), but I do care about values. Sadly, most (not all obviously) african american and mexican families do not hold the same values that I hold. The culture of the poor (of any skin color) does not value education highly…if they do hold my values, they are one generation away from prosperity. Even more tragically, most ice (as you call them) families in s. california do not hold my values either, hence my unending disdain for southern california.
So put away skin color and talk about culture. Because the predominant black and mexican culture is poison…And sadly the predominant white culture in southern california is poison too…which is why I left.
I would happily send my kids to a predominantly black or mexican or Somalia school if their parents shared my value system. Unforetunately, black culture is too often synonymous with irresponsibility/victimhood. Mexican culture is too often synonymous with under achievement and laziness. And Somolian culture is too often synonymous with patriarchy and militantism (read, they love to threaten and screw people).
Culture is why I want to send my kids to a private school of my choice. I suspect culture is why most people pick the neighborhoods they do. I am weird in that I like to live in an opposing or contrary culture, but would like to send my kids by the pain of my wallet to a similar culture. Culture is why home prices in s. California are so ridiculous. Culture is why we have such a high unemployment. Culture is the beast, not skin color. Culture is the beast. Anyone who struggles with thoughts of bigotry, ask yourself why you feel bigoted. Is it certain inferior cultures that you despise? Because despite what you learn in social studies, not all cultures are equal. At the end of the day the white trash cultures in kernville or sacramento or the inland empire are just as destructive and vile as the ghettos of compton or chula vista.
So put skin color aside and talk about the depravity of values that neighborhoods espouse! Those values are irrespective of color.[/quote]
Definitely agree with this. People tend to congregate with others who share their same values and beliefs. Oftentimes, that means associating with others who come from the same country or who share the same socio-economic or educational status. All too often, it will look like it’s race-based, but the grouping is more based on shared values/backgrounds.