[quote=jstoesz]That was funny Rustico…no the 3rd world is not good enough. Yup, I am a stupid American I suppose. I also have an irrational fear/hatred of tract homes. Its always been there, I think I like variety and walking too much.
The biggest problem is that I do not want to be a two income family. Works well for some folks, but not what I am looking for.
Where would you suggest living in SD, Rustico?
You asked what do we do with our money? PA school student loan debt is quite the millstone…with a bit more penny pinching, it will be gone next year.
werewolf, because we both found better jobs in east sac, and we figured it would be fun to live in the mountains for a while. We had been considering putting down roots here, but the high price of SD gave us itchy feet.[/quote]
A couple of my questions are answered here. Congrats on retiring your voluminous student loan debt so quickly, jstoesz!! This decision will serve you very well in the years to come!