I love this city. It in most ways it is far superior to Minneapolis. I have visions of raising my kids competitively sailing in SD bay. Visions of teaching them to surf at pipes. I lived for two years on a boat off shelter Island which is one of the greatest experiences of my life. It is amazing! I would be hard pressed to find a more amazing city in the country. I love it here.
But the cost of living is prohibitive to a family oriented, single income earning, private school provided life style that I badly want to provide. Maybe I will strike it rich in my next company or the one after that.
I badly want to settle here. In many ways more than Minneapolis, but it is filled with fiscal retardation not found in most other places.[/quote]
Maybe this really just boils down to where you want to spend your money. As I mentioned in a few of my other posts, maybe you simply don’t want to pay to play, but that’s just you and plenty of other people seem to be willing to spend more for their housing here. It really is just what it is. Some people simply won’t ever want to pay to live here, so be it.
I tend to not agree with BG much at all, but I liked her post copying all your text. It sounds more like a rant against all California people being idiots and how they all suck. Maybe it has more to do with how society in general is now vs. CA or MN or any other place in the past I think. I agree people are not the same as 30 or 50 years ago, but that’s all over I feel.
With all the free time and goofing off at work, there’s just more time to rant and rave it seems. I think plenty of CA folks are pretty well and managing their finances just fine, esp on a site like this.
Lastly, there are plenty of places in SD where things are affordable and you can still DRIVE to the beach to do all those beach things you mentioned. Sure, it’s not the nicest place, but hell, you make compromises based on what you want and where you want to spend your money.
Another thing is you want to spend money on private schools for your kids. That’s a choice. I spent 7 years in private school, probably didn’t help me one bit compared to public back then. That said, we plan to send our kids to public school here, again our choice. Without the private school, I think someone (flu?) calculated it was in excess of 200k or even more.
A total waste of money IMO, but again, your choice and your money. The rants against all the people of CA certainly doesn’t make you seem half as wise as your earliest posts since it’s all coming off as bitterness now at this point at everything and everyone here.
A bit sad, but maybe moving up to sac town would allow you learn a few things before moving back down here that “maybe”, CA or SD isn’t so bad as you thought.
This is also why if folks just focus on a home being a place to live in, at least buy just 1 place and if housing goes up or down, your property will move with the market and you can sell it and upgrade (keep payments the same) or sell it for less and buy another place for less as well.