jstoesz – with all due respect, you’re missing the point. Religion is already taught in public school — as part of various history, culture, social studies curricula. Christianity receives ample coverage.
The issue with Christine O’Donnell, with the Texas School Board, with the psychotic facist Christian right-wing base, is they want to teach the Biblical Creation Story as SCIENCE. That was context of O’Donnell’s remarks during the debate, Intelligent Design in Science Class. That is the issue.
Genesis is not Science. The Earth is more than 6,000 years old. Religion and faith, by definition, do not lend themselves to Scientific Inquiry. If we believe the Bible and practice Christianity, faith and the nature of God is not something that can be experimentally ‘proven’ or ‘disproven’.
Teaching Adam and Eve in Science Class is not a CHOICE that broadens one’s horizons. It’s a bastardization of truth, education and knowledge. It’s completely NOT SCIENCE. It’s the opposite, it’s untrue, and it’s STOOPID.
My objections aren’t a ‘liberal’ thing, or an ‘anti-Christian’ thing, or a ‘secular humanism’ thing. It’s an objection to stupidity. The truth is not relative here.