JRex, take it easy on Dougie, he had some good points.
One thing that I’ll add to this is that everyone assumes that if the official story has holes or omissions, the US government is completely to blame for the whole thing. I don’t follow that line of reasoning at all.
The freefall, symmetrical collapse of the towers is suspicious. The freefall, symmetrical collapse of WTC7 is very suspicious. If you follow the most likely scenario, which is that explosives were used in addition to the jets during the attack, there are lots of possibilities:
* Al Qaeda had planted bombs in the buildings to ensure that they were destroyed. There were many government offices in WTC7. They did try to blow these buildings up once before, after all (back in 1993).
* Silverstein or someone working for him had advance knowledge of the attacks and had his own buildings rigged to fall down. The insurance settlement from the attacks was enormous and the old WTC buildings were not as attractive to tenants as new buildings would be.
* A foreign country supplied the equipment and expertise to handle the demolition. Several countries would benefit from the US entering a long-term war against radical groups: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Lebanon, and Israel to name just a few would all like a little help getting rid of certain radical elements.
* During the investigation, the US may have uncovered embarassing information about corrupt officials in this or other countries and rather than having it come out they just decided to close the whole matter without serious investigation.
My only point is that this was the biggest crime in history, and it needs to be investigated seriously. I just find it amazing that, within hours of the attacks, we knew exactly who did it and why the buildings fell down. There were no serious questions asked, and if anyone asks them, they are branded a nutjob or conspiracy freak.
I now return us to our regularly scheduled ranting and raving!