[quote=jpinpb]Ricechex – I was thinking about what you said about Upas being a busy street. While that may be true, I think it pales in comparison to the heavily commercial University Avenue w/4 lanes, not counting turn lanes at traffic signaled intersections. Plus for Upas, the proximity to Balboa Park somewhat almost makes up for it.[/quote]
JP…you are absolutely correct, Upas is not as busy as University. However, there are several streets that people use rather than the biggies (Univ, El Cajon Blvd, 30th) instead. Thus, they serve as alternate routes to destination. Example: I take Howard Ave to Texas, rather than University to Texas. Thus, those “side” streets are actually very busy streets.
If I was offered a free house on University or Upas, I would choose Upas. However, considering I would be paying a hefty mortgage, I would choose neither! You will be cleaning your windows often and breathing in fumes. Besides the obvious streets, some streets I would avoid:
North Park Way
Nile Street
Howard/becomes Orange east of 805
Thorn (depends)
33rd between Thorn and North Park Way (entrance to freeway)
Landis between Boundary and 31st (the way to CVS)
Grim between Upas and University (the way to Post Office)
Florida (but I think that may be 92103)
JP, I am not a realtor, just lived in these parts for quite some time. Please feel free to PM me if you have questions.
Also: I suspect that there are fewer sales in certain pockets, because there are many elderly in the homes. I had a friend who worked for Adult Protective Services (APS) and the biggest number of aging people she served was in North Park. You can usually tell by the condition of the homes, ie: they cannot afford upkeep.