[quote=jpinpb][quote=CA renter]I’m sick and tired of all the “stimulus” being directed at banks and lenders (via home “owners”). Talk about discrimination — the renters have not gotten a single bit of help from any of this govt/Fed money.
Either we give money to EVERYBODY, or we give it to nobody. Time to stop the idiotic “stimulative” measures that have served primarily to enrich the wealthiest Americans at the expense (lost purchasing power) of everyone else.[/quote]
How about no more giving away of anything. It’s like homeowners/banks welfare. I’m w/the previous thoughts about jobs. Teach people to fish, not give them fish. Give them real jobs so they can pay for their house. Those who had minimum wage jobs buying a half a million dollar house on a liar loan hoping to flip, well, get out of the house already. You had no business being in there in the first place.
How many bailouts at the hands of taxpayers do we have to go through. How many more trillions?
But we discussed this long ago on previous threads. People started getting breaks, not getting foreclosed upon, living for free. No. People won’t risk their credit. Then it happened. Strategic defaulters. Then people actually buying a house to live in it for free. I recently saw a place that was bought last year, which IMO was overpriced, and now it’s a short sale.
As long as we keep giving away money for nothing, people will be lining up to take it, some taking cuts in line.[/quote]
Absolutely, this should go without saying. We’ve already added trillions of dollars in new debt just so we could artificially prop up asset prices. Yes, let’s stop all forms of stimulus directed at asset prices. Time to focus on jobs.