[quote=jpinpb]But unless a bank closed it’s doors like Lehman, and went under, I imagine that it hasn’t happened b/c of taxpayer assistance. But maybe I’m completely misinterpreting where the bailout money went.
I’m sorry. I’m not seeing suffering in relation to the vast amount of outrageous loans that have occurred. There is no lesson that will be learned. In fact, the opposite. People have learned that if they fuck up, help will be there for them. I say for the most part, generally. There are always the exceptions.[/quote]
So you think that the only reason that any bank hasn’t been shut down is because of taxpayer assistance? There are roughly 600 banks with TARP money. There are over 8,000 banks in the country. Let’s assume that 500 get shut down. That’s 1,100 that are shut down or accepted TARP money. That leaves 6,900+ that neither accepted TARP money nor were shut down, or 86% of the total banks in the country. I’m not sure where you’re getting your information.
I’ll grant you that Goldman hasn’t suffered as much as it should. But they are an exception.
I think lots of folks are suffering and lots of folks have learned a lesson. But perhaps they haven’t suffered ENOUGH for you (and me, in many cases). Perhaps they’ve learned a lesson, but that lesson isn’t ENOUGH for you (and me, in many cases). But, trust me, the folks I know that have been burned aren’t likely to repeat their idiocy anytime soon.