[quote=jpinpb]BG – you do live in an older neighborhood, as I gather from your posts, I think down in Chula Vista area?
Now think about San Diego county in general. Then think about all of California.
Do you realize how much new construction we’ve had in the past 10 years? People that purchased w/in the past 10 years are not paying low property taxes.
I think those people far outweigh many of the few people who are paying low property taxes.
Now let’s address some of the heirs of these old properties. If they are smart, they will keep them. But so many of them have homes of their homes they purchased w/their own families. Brothers and sisters are likely to sell the outdated home of the parents so they can split the proceeds and use the money for their own struggling payments. So many people are not working or have less hours or cut pay.
I don’t have kids of my own and I still think we should not take away Prop 13. Do that and your taxes will be going up. Don’t like the amount you’re paying now. Stand by to stand by for it to be way higher.[/quote]
jp, I don’t agree that homeowners enjoying Prop 13 benefits (whether orig or “heirs”) outnumber owners of properties built in the last ten years. There are many, many zip codes in CA which have been impacted for 35 years or more, meaning there has been no land available for residential subdivisions in that zip code. A very LARGE portion of the properties lying within these zips enjoy “Prop 13” tax protection (even commercial properties). As I stated in the post above, while I am NOT opposed the “1% of assessed value (+ City/County svcs) part of Prop 13, I AM opposed to the <=1978 assessment (+2% per yr) being "passed down" to children or grandchildren. This provision provides for entire swaths of well-located extremely valuable property in CA to be assessed ultra-low into perpetuity.
Not only are these “heirs” not paying anywhere near their “fair share” of property taxes, their kids are attending the same schools as their neighbors who are paying market rate taxes and they are receiving the same services. How is CA and its cities/counties going to continue to provide these services when in many, many areas, local governments can’t get enough monies from property tax coffers to do so? Mello-Roos Bonds can only be spent within the CFD where the payors own property. As it stands, the RE purchasers within the last 20 years or so are virtually carrying ALL property owners with their property-tax payments.