Jp: No worries and, so you know, I wasn’t busting your chops, nor your choice of weapons. What you won’t see on most movies or TV shows is that the most effective weapon when moving through a house or confined space is a pistol/revolver and not a long arm like a rifle or shotgun.
There is some good info out there in terms of properly preparing yourself for these environments, including handling a weapon in substandard conditions. The biggest mistake most shooters make is thinking that conditions will be similar to those found on the range, i.e. controlled in terms of light, sound and action. The reality is the opposite. I hear your point about reactions under stress, but, in truth, the actuality is that you’ll have tremendous difficulty keeping on target and putting rounds into the kill zone (center mass).
Look up reports on the 1970 Newhall Massacre or the 1986 FBI Miami shootout to see what happens to even trained law enforcement officers under the stress of a gunfight. It’s pretty fascinating stuff.